Tuesday, May 27, 2008


my Mom tagged me for a game where i list six quirky things about myself.

1. i want ice cream even when i'm sick or it's cold out.

2. i like to wear socks with my sandals.

3. i like to sing in an opera voice.

4. i like a meal the first few times i have it but after a few more of that meal i realize i don't like it.

5. even though i'm fine with hikes and showers i gripe a lot when i'm told it's time for one

6. at night i'm afraid to walk past my Dad's workroom when the light is off


Anonymous said...

haha.. I am the same way about hikes and showers!

Laura_M said...

always wanting ice cream isn't quirky, it's just right!!

song of the selkie said...

hey, quirk is my middle name! have you ever tried peppermint candy ice cream on the coldest day in january??? DELISH! that is my favorite time of year to eat ice cream! if i lived close to you i would show up that day with a big gallon of the stuff and we would party down like you can when you own a time machine!!

p.s(sst!). love, love, LOVE that picture of you!